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Alley Rack™ | Bike Parking

Alley Rack

It's New Angle on Bike Parking

Seamless and retractable, the Alley Rack™ offers a prime bike parking solution for dense urban environments, constrained multi-use areas or even where a minimal footprint is just simply preferred.

The wall-mounted Alley Rack™ features a hinged arm that swings 180° with 5 locking positions perfect for securing up to 2 bikes in tight flexible spaces. The space saving bike rack acts as a formidable deterrent and is universally accepting of just about any popular bike lock type.

Constructed with thick 5/8" laser cut steel and finished in a resilient thermoplastic coating. It's recommended that the Alley Rack™ should be installed 32" off the ground and have at least a radius of 70" around the rack for best usability.

PLEASE NOTE: Model Number(s) in Red are Discontinued
Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Alley Rack™ | Bike Parking | Wall Mount

ALLEYRACK-BRD Black (35 lbs) $0.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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