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How to Buy Aluminum Bleachers | Buying Guide

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Aluminum bleachers are widely popular for their durability, versatility and overall safety—making them the preeminent choice for fan seating. Whether seeking an affordable solution or a long-term investment, aluminum bleachers provide the ultimate balance of both. This buying guide strives to thoroughly examine the main factors to help navigate all the finer points and details of making the decision on the proper, right fit for Aluminum Bleachers.
Aluminum Bleachers Enviroment
According to experts, the one major indicator to be aware of when considering the purchase aluminum bleachers is what is referred to as the "fit". Are the components—the planks, frames, braces, risers, seats, guardrails and hardware all in alignment and secure.
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Aluminum Bleachers that are most improperly manufactured with inferior craftsmanship it will eventually show over time if not right away. This can cause major headaches and actually create a hazard for spectators. Be sure to check your local building and fire codes to determine the compliance requirements for bleachers in your community. The following list are the basics to be aware of to look out for.
  • Planks are aligned with each other without gaps.
  • Planks are covered with an anodized coating to prevent corrosion.
  • End caps fit squarely.
  • Aisles are the correct width and clear of small obstructions or gaps.
  • Stairs are straight.
  • Welds are smooth. Sharp edges are eliminated (something you don't want spectators in the seats to touch).
  • The Chain-Link or Picket Guardrails line up properly, don't have rough surfaces and are securely fastened.
  • Understructure braces and frames are securely welded, spaced at correct intervals and meet load-bearing specification.

How Much Do Aluminum Bleachers Cost?

The answer depends on a few factors, starting with the number of seats that are required.
To generally calculate the cost of bleachers and grandstand seating, it is best to factor in the number of seats. The price for a set of non-elevated bleachers is anywhere from $50 to $200 a seat—elevated bleachers range from $200 to $500 a seat.
To get a more accurate estimate for your specific bleacher needs, we encourage you to ask one of our experienced product experts. They can provide detailed information and assist with a quote for most unique bleacher requirements.

How to determine what size aluminum bleachers are needed.

Industry standard for aluminum bleacher seating is calculated as one seat being equal to 18" of aluminum bleacher seat plank.
When buying bleachers, it helps to understand some of the more common phrases. Below is a list of commonly used terms and phrases used in bleacher specifications.

'Single Foot Plank' or 'Single Foot Board'

Term used to describe (1) 2"x10" mill finish aluminum foot plank per row to rest your feet on when seated. You'll normally find single foot planks on smaller sets of bleachers, or Tip 'N Roll models. Consumers choose a single footboard to either save weight on transportable bleachers, save money or space.

'Double Foot Plank' or 'Double Foot Board'

Term used to describe (2) 2"x10" mill finish aluminum foot planks per row to rest your feet on when seated. You'll find double footboards on larger sets of bleachers and especially on permanent grandstands. Consumers choose double footboards to make their bleachers more comfortable, safer and easier to walk on.

'Mill Finish'

Term used to describe the natural, untreated surface of aluminum planks after extrusion. The main advantage is cost-effectiveness, as no finishing processes are applied, and protective oxidation forms naturally.


Term used to describe the protective barrier consisting of a railing with choice of either chain-link or vertical picket fencing. Commonly, local code compliance requires bleachers more than 30" above grade must have a 42" guardrail and must not allow a round object more than four inches to be able to protrude.

'End Cap'

Term used to describe the cap installed at the end of the plank to prevent any cuts or tears.

'Riser Plank'

Term used to describe a "mill finish" aluminum plank that is mounted vertically under the seat and behind your feet to close the opening to meet building and safety codes.


Term used to describe the vertical measure from the top of a bleacher seat to the top of the bleacher seat in the next row.


Term used to describe the horizontal measure from the front of a bleacher seat to the front of the bleacher seat in the next row. The run will change if you choose single- or double-foot planks.


Term used to describe open space between the bottom of the seat planks and the top part of the foot planks.


Term used to describe the passage between seats to provide access up and down the bleachers. Most aisles require handrails and nosing unless certain conditions are met.


Term used to describe a securely attached railing for spectators to utilize for assistance when climbing up and down the steps of an aisle.
Selecting the aluminum bleacher style that will provide a more than sufficient seating capacity is important in order to maximize the available facility space and guest enjoyment. The following is some basic information to aid in the decision process regarding the purchase of aluminum bleachers.

Standard Series Models

The Standard Series provides an economical seating system with single mill finish 2"x10" aluminum foot planks on rows 2 - 3, double mill finish aluminum 2"x10" foot planks and mill finish aluminum 1"x6" riser planks on rows 4 & up, double mill finish aluminum 1"x6" riser planks on top row only. Guardrails are included on all systems with 4 rows of seating or more.

Rows Lengths Guardrail
2 7.5' / 9' / 12' / 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' No
3 7.5' / 9' / 12' / 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' No
4 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
5 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
8 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
10 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
Key Features
  • (1) 17" First Seat Height
  • (2) Single Foot Palnks Rows 2-3
    Double Foot Planks Row 4 & Up
  • (3) Riser Planks on Rows 4 & Up

Preferred Series Models

The Preferred Series provides an affordable seating system with double mill finish 2"x10" foot planks on all rows and mill finish aluminum 1"x6" riser planks on rows 4 & up double mill finish aluminum 1"x6" riser planks on top row only. Guardrails are included on all systems with 4 rows of seating or more.

Rows Lengths Guardrail
2 7.5' / 9' / 12' / 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' No
3 7.5' / 9' / 12' / 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' No
4 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
5 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
8 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
10 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
Key Features
  • (1) 17" First Seat Height
  • (2) Double Foot Planks All Rows
  • (3) Riser Planks on Rows 4 & Up

Deluxe Series Models

The Deluxe Series provides a premium seating system with double mill finish 2"x10" foot planks on all rows, mill finish aluminum 1"x6" riser planks on all rows with double mill finish aluminum 1"x6" riser planks on top row. Guardrails and aisle with anodized aluminum handrail are included on all systems.

Rows Lengths Guardrail
4 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
5 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
8 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
10 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
Key Features
  • (1) 17" First Seat Height
  • (2) Double Foot Planks All Rows
  • (3) Riser Planks on Rows 2 & Up
  • (4) Aisle with Handrail

Mobility Access Series Models

The Mobility Series Aluminum Bleachers feature wheelchair/mobility devices seating areas with companion seating to meet ADA accessibility requirements. Each UA Pocket for these Mobility Access Bleacher Models provide adequate space for atleast up to Two wheelchair/mobility devices with adjacent Companion Seats.

Rows Lengths Guardrail
4 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
5 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
8 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
10 15' / 21' / 24' / 27' / 30' Yes
Key Features
  • (1) 17" First Seat Height
  • (2) Double Foot Planks All Rows
  • (3) Riser Planks on Rows 2 & Up
  • (4) Aisle with Handrail
  • (5) Universal Access Pocket w/Companion Seats

Elevated Series Models

The Elevated Series Aluminum Bleachers help improve the spectator viewing experience by providing a better line of sight to the event. Elevated Aluminum Bleachers are basically the Deluxe Series bleachers that raise the grade level 30" above ground level. These bleachers are ideal for playing fields where the sidelines can be crowded with players and team support personnel that may obstruct the spectators view.

Rows Lengths Guardrail
5 15' / 21' / 27' / 33' Yes
8 15' / 21' / 27' / 33' Yes
10 21' / 27' / 33' Yes
15 21' / 27' Yes
Key Features
  • (1) 17" First Seat Height*
  • (2) *30" Elevated Above Grade
  • (3) Double Foot Planks All Rows
  • (4) Riser Planks on All Rows
  • (5) Aisle with Handrail
  • (6) Access Via Stairs

Superior Series Models

Offer spectators a viewing experience like no other with Superior Series Aluminum Bleacher. These luxurious 4 and 8 row seating stands feature 12" seats, 7" backrests and extra wide 36" tread on every row, allowing users maximum comfort and enjoyment. The Suoerior Series Aluminum Bleachers are designed standard with center aisle, mid-aisle handrails, sub-steps, closed decking and 3-sided protective guardrail system.

Rows Lengths Guardrail
4 19.5' / 25.5' / 31.5' Yes
8 19.5' / 25.5' / 31.5' Yes
Key Features
  • (1) 17" First Seat Height
  • (2) 12" Seat Width w/7" Seatbacks
  • (3) 36" Foot Planks
  • (4) Closed Deck on All Rows
  • (5) Aisle with Handrail & Sub-Step

Low Rise Models

Low Rise Aluminum Bleachers feature a 10.5" front row seat height and a 6" rise (distance between the seat and foot planks). This style usually designed with a maximum of 4 rows, which keeps the top seat height from exceeding 30" and requiring the use of a guardrail. Low rise bleacher systems are a simple and economical choice for multi-use spaces that need more flexibility than a permanent installation affords.

Key Features
  • (1) 10.5" First Seat Height
  • (2) Single Foot Planks (Standard Series)
  • (3) Double Foot Planks (Preferred Series)

Tip N Roll Models

Tip and Roll Bleachers tip and roll away for easy storage and are the perfect solution for auxiliary seating. These bleachers are designed with a lighter aluminum understructure which makes lifting up onto the attached 5" swivel casters for movement—brakes on the caster keep the bleacher from rolling when stored. Rubber foot pads are standard to help protect floors.

Key Features
  • 5" Non-Marring Swivel Casters
  • Rubber Foot Pads

Transportable Models

When you have a situation with multiple sports fields or when you need to move your aluminum bleachers to different locations, Transportable Aluminum Bleachers are specifically designed to be towed. It is important to note that they are not intended to be towed on open roads or long distances. They are only meant to be moved on a single property and to be towed by a lawn mower or tractor.

Key Features
  • Additional Bracing
  • Wheel Brackets
  • Transport Kits (Sold Separately)
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