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Concrete Ash Trash Waste Containers

Compact Litter Control System Concrete Ash/Trash Waste Containers

These classic concrete ash/trash waste containers ash urn & garbage can combination waste containers help reduce trash, litter, and properly dispose of cigarettes and cigars. The unique design of these concrete waste containers along with the solid steel-reinforced construction will enhance the entranceways of your facility and easily withstand the toughest environments anywhere in the world.

These ash trash combination waste receptacles feature a compact style with a highly effective litter control system for trash, the proper disposal of cigarette butts, cigars and related litter and debris. The compact style is perfect for any area that is expecting moderate to light trash disposal with a need for cigarette disposal as well.

Dimensions: 14"W x 22"D x 42"H
Concrete Finish Options
Upgrade Finsh Options
Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

10 Gal. Ash/Trash Waste Container - includes Sand & Liner

TF2070 (485 lbs) $651.00

10 Gal. Ash/Trash Waste Container | Stained Concrete Color Options

TF2070-CUS2 (485 lbs) $781.00

10 Gal. Ash/Trash Waste Container | Ground Glass Finish Options

TF2070-CUS4 Concrete Options Below (485 lbs) $911.00
Finish Options
TF2070-CUS7 Concrete Options Below (485 lbs) $1,139.00
Finish Options

Optional Replacement Accessories

TF1605 Black Plastic Liner (4 lbs) $47.00
TF1400 Plastic 4-Way Dome Lid (4 lbs) $45.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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