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Concrete Trash Receptacle with Pitch-in Lid

high-volume High Strength

Positively impact your waste management program with trash receptacles fully equipped to handle high-volume traffic under all-season conditions. Offering a sizeable 53 gallon capacity with pitch-in lid that encourages proper litter disposal, shields contents and minimizes odors.

Dimensions: 24"L x 24"W x 39"H

This large concrete trash receptacle is reinforced with 1/4" steel rebar caging to ensure superior strength and durability. A secure retainer ring helps prevent accidental bag slippages and a security cable ensures the lid will not be misplaced.

Optional rigid plastic liner and self leveling feet are available and sold separately

Finish Options
  • Lid - Standard Plastic Color Options
  • Base - Acid Wash, Acid Wash Stain, Weatherstone, Weatherstone Stain & Exposed Aggregate
  • Base (Upgrade Options) - Premium Stain & Weatherstone Glass Concrete
Concrete Finish Options
Upgrade Finsh Options
Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Concrete Trash Receptacle

TF1025 (615 lbs) $577.00

Concrete Trash Receptacle | Stained Concrete Finish Options

TF1025-CUS2 (615 lbs) $692.00

Concrete Trash Receptacle | Ground Glass Concrete Finish Options

TF1025-CUS4 (615 lbs) $808.00
TF1025-CUS7 (615 lbs) $1,010.00

Optional Accessories

TF1640 45 Gallon Rigid Plastic Liner (13 lbs) $76.00
TF1997 Leveling Feet (4 Required Per Receptacle) (1 lbs) $4.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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