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Round Concrete Planters | Fabres Series

Durable Round Outdoor Planters

Add greenery and character to your facility with these round concrete planters. The steel reinforced concrete construction gives these planters extreme durability and minimizes maintenance making them the perfect solution for outdoor landscaping.

The substantial weight of concrete naturally discourage theft, and also makes the planters strong enough to support even large root systems. Comes standard with drain holes at the bottom to provide proper drainage. Available in three different sizes, choose from multiple colors and finishes to create the perfect planter for your site.

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Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Fabres Series Concrete Round Planters | 18"Dia. x 24"H

F-18X24 (200 lbs) $384.00
F-18X24-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (200 lbs) $422.00
F-18X24-CUS2 White (200 lbs) $461.00

Fabres Series Concrete Round Planters | 24"Dia. x 24"H

F-24X24 (325 lbs) $552.00
F-24X24-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (325 lbs) $607.00
F-24X24-CUS2 White (325 lbs) $662.00

Fabres Series Concrete Round Planters | 30"Dia. x 24"H

F-30X24 (510 lbs) $632.00
F-30X24-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (510 lbs) $695.00
F-30X24-CUS2 White (510 lbs) $758.00

Fabres Series Concrete Round Planters | 42"Dia. x 24"H

F-42X24 (1,100 lbs) $1,029.00
F-42X24-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (1,100 lbs) $1,132.00
F-42X24-CUS2 White (1,100 lbs) $1,235.00

Fabres Series Concrete Round Planters | 42"Dia. x 42"H

F-42X42 (1,850 lbs) $1,152.00
F-42X42-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (1,850 lbs) $1,267.00
F-42X42-CUS2 White (1,850 lbs) $1,382.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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