These thermoplastic coated steel park benches have an exclusive
metal-form design that is both extremely comfortable and strikingly handsome. The durability
and modular configurations of these steel park benches can provide endless seating capacity. Simply
add sections onto either side of the park benches as your needs increase.
MF2011 - 72"L x 24"W x 37"H
MF2015 - 70"L x 24"W x 37"H
MF2012 - 72"L x 24"W x 37"H*
*In-ground Mount is From Grade (18" Sub-Grade) when Installed
These thermoplastic park benches are available as portable benches or as an in-ground
mount. An optional anchor kit is available which can easily transform the portable model park bench
into a heavy duty surface mount. Increase the seating capacity and save money by purchasing an add on section
to create a row of connected park benches that easily connect to share a common bench end.