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Palmetto Collection Seat Benches

Contemporary, Sleek & Stylish

Contemporary styling of the Palmetto Collection seat benches offer a sleek inviting look for just about any type of setting. Its modern style is accentuated by the contoured design and 5/8" horizontal steel rod construction.

Matching Receptacles

Available in powder-coat finishing that will not chip or fade and also inhibits abrasion, rust and corrosion even through continued seasonal weather conditions.

Model 800P-RS3

Achieve a cohesive look and maximize seating in spaces having multi-varied constraints with the inline 2, 3 and 4 seat configurations. The all steel Palmetto bench is great for transit stations, urban park settings, gardens, along sidewalks or building exteriors and is available in portable, surface and in-ground mount styles.

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Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Palmetto Collection Seat Benches | Portable

800P-RS2 2 Seats (200 lbs) $0.00
800P-RS3 3 Seats (240 lbs) $0.00

Palmetto Collection Seat Benches | Surface Mount

800SM-RS2 2 Seats (200 lbs) $0.00
800SM-RS3 3 Seats (240 lbs) $0.00
800SM-RS4 4 Seats (400 lbs) $0.00

Palmetto Collection Seat Benches | In-ground Mount

800S-RS2 2 Seats (200 lbs) $0.00
800S-RS3 3 Seats (240 lbs) $0.00
800S-RS4 4 Seats (400 lbs) $0.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
Some Assembly Required
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