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Round Concrete Planter | Portland Series

Steel-Reinforced Round Concrete Planter

Large capacity concrete planters are perfect for planting bigger plants and various arrangements of flowers since they are able to support large root systems. Concrete acts as an insulator during colder weather protecting the roots from sudden temperature drops, and best of all - concrete is a natural theft deterrent. Drain holes at the bottom provide proper drainage.

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Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Round Concrete Planter | 48"Dia. x 18"H

PORT48X18 (925 lbs) $1,682.00
PORT48X18-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (925 lbs) $1,850.00
PORT48X18-CUS2 White (925 lbs) $2,018.00

Round Concrete Planter | 60"Dia. x 18"H

PORT60X18 (1,490 lbs) $2,016.00
PORT60X18-CUS1 Slate Stone Etch Finish (1,490 lbs) $2,218.00
PORT60X18-CUS2 White (1,490 lbs) $2,419.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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