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Precast Concrete Park Bench

TF5035 | Precast Concrete Bench (Buff)
Model TF5035 | Precast Concrete Bench
Dimensions: 84"L x 20"W x 24"H

Versatility Meets Simplicity

These precast concrete benches are a simple, yet classic choice for any indoor or outdoor setting. The basic bench design features clean lines and a minimalistic style that complements any environment. The backless bench can be placed in gardens or walkways, and can be used from both sides allowing users to enjoy a full 360 degree view of their surroundings.

Made with reinforced 3/8" steel rebar and Portland cement ASTM C150. All aggregates meet ASTM C33 standards. Available in the color options and finishes shown below.

Concrete Finish Options
Upgrade Finsh Options
Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

7' Precast Concrete Park Bench

TF5035 (950 lbs) $927.00

7' Precast Concrete Park Bench | Stained Concrete Finish

TF5035-CUS1 (950 lbs) $1,112.00
TF5035-CUS3 (950 lbs) $1,205.00

7' Precast Concrete Park Bench | Ground Glass Concrete Finish

TF5035-CUS4 (950 lbs) $1,298.00
TF5035-CUS7 (950 lbs) $1,622.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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