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Spring Balance Beam | Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Fun and Effective Outdoor Fitness Equipment

Balance training is great for the body and can be fun for people of all ages. The spring balance beam is an effective piece of outdoor fitness equipment that requires coordination, balance, strength, and muscular endurance. Aside from walking on the balance beam, more advanced athletes can benefit from this piece of fitness equipment by performing push-ups, tricep dips or planks on the beams to further engage the core and train other muscle groups.

For basic usage, walk along the spring balance beam, engaging your core and checking your balance along the way if necessary. Perform several times, testing yourself by increasing speed each time. Add additional challenges by walking sideways to target the inner and outer thighs, backwards to target the hamstrings, on your toes to work the calves or by performing squats or lunges while moving down the length of the beams.

Health Benefits
Improves balance, coordination, and muscle endurance.
Strengthens joints to decrease risk of injury.
Works stabilizer muscles and over time can improve overall reflexes.
Doing lunges, planks, push-ups or dips on the spring balance beams further engages the core than when performed on stable surfaces.
Target Muscles
Secondary Muscles
Not Suitable for people with general health conditions.
Do not over exert yourself.
Keep fingers, toes, hair or other body parts away from equipment elements during exercise.
Spring Balance Beam | Outdoor Fitness Equipment (Blue/Goldenrod)
Model 78000025

Dimensions: 96.25"L x 96.25"W x 16"H
  • No electricity required.
  • No need for regular maintenance.
  • No rust, corrosion or chipping.
  • Eco-friendly, powered by the people.
  • Post safety instructions with the optional Fitness Message Boards.
Matching Products

The E-coat primer and top coat ensure full protection against corrosion. Choose from smooth Solid, slightly textured Hammertone or Multi-Color finish options shown below.

Custom Multi-Color Finish
Mix & Match any of the color options shown below to promote your school, university or company's unique colors.

Please select "Multi | Custom Colors" from the drop down menu and a customer service representative will contact you for details.
PLEASE NOTE: Model Number(s) in Red are Discontinued
Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Spring Balance Beam

78000025 Spring Balance Beam (240 lbs) $0.00

Fitness Safety Message Signs | Small Single Panel

78000087 In-ground Mount (40 lbs) $729.00
78000087-SM Surface Mount (35 lbs) $729.00

Fitness Safety Message Signs | Single Panel

78000034 In-ground Mount (60 lbs) $1,119.00
78000034-SM Surface Mount (53 lbs) $1,119.00

Fitness Safety Message Signs | Low Dual Panels

78000038 In-ground Mount (90 lbs) $1,729.00
78000038-SM Surface Mount (76 lbs) $1,729.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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