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Triple Jump Bars | Fitness Equipment

Triple Jump Bars for Three Different Exercises

The Triple Jump Bars are a three-in-one piece of fitness equipment that is easy to use for athletes of all levels. Users can utilize the bar for jumping or step-ups for cardio or use the bars to perform inclined push-ups for chest and arm strengthening.

Jumping: Jump from one side of the bar to the other, repeatedly, using either one leg at a time or both. For a more challenging workout, perform leap frog jumps slalom style, down the length of the bars.

Step-Ups: Step up on a bar with one foot then the other, step back down and repeat.

Push-Ups: Kneel in front of equipment. Grasp bar with both hands. Assume push up position and lower body keeping parallel with ground. Return to start position.

  • No electricity required.
  • No need for regular maintenance.
  • No rust, corrosion or chipping.
  • Eco-friendly, powered by the people.
  • Post safety instructions with the optional Fitness Message Boards.
Finish Options
The state of the art finishing process used on the frame combines the application of an 'Electrocoat Zinc Rich Primer' with a durable polyester powder-coat top layer to ensure every crevice and joint is completely sealed, providing full protection against corrosion and weathering. Frames are finished in either a gloss or textured polyester powder-coat finish.
Custom Multi-Color Finish
Mix & Match any of the color options shown below to promote your school, university or company's unique colors.

Please select "Multi | Custom Colors" from the drop down menu and a customer service representative will contact you for details.
Health Benefits
Jumping and step-ups strengthen calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings.
Push-ups target chest, biceps, triceps, and core muscles simultaneously.
Compound exercises work groups of muscles all at once.
Working cardio and strength training simultaneously builds lean body mass more quickly.
Target Muscles
Secondary Muscles
Not Suitable for people with general health conditions.
Do not over exert yourself.
Keep fingers, toes, hair or other body parts away from equipment elements during exercise.
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Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Triple Jump Bars

78000024 In-ground Mount (120 lbs) $1,089.00
78000024-SM Surface Mount (120 lbs) $1,089.00

Fitness Safety Message Signs | Small Single Panel

78000087 In-ground Mount (40 lbs) $729.00
78000087-SM Surface Mount (35 lbs) $729.00

Fitness Safety Message Signs | Single Panel

78000034 In-ground Mount (60 lbs) $1,119.00
78000034-SM Surface Mount (53 lbs) $1,119.00

Fitness Safety Message Signs | Low Dual Panels

78000038 In-ground Mount (90 lbs) $1,729.00
78000038-SM Surface Mount (76 lbs) $1,729.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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